

Web Style Guide

A web style guide utilizing Sass, Sass mixins, & Sass variables. It provides a framework for prototyping websites.

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Interactive Photo Gallery

A thumbnail photo gallery with search functionality and incorporates Lightbox to view a larger photo.

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Wheel of Success

Guess the phrase game utilizing JavaScript and CSS animations.

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Web App Dashboard

Interactive app dashboard using SVG graphics, tables and charts created with chart.js.

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API Employee Directory

API Employee Directory

Employee directory that utilizes an API to pull personnel info and display it. Uses a modal to display detailed info.

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Quote Generator

Random Quote Generator

A random quote generator that can automatically generate a quote every 10 seconds or from the click of a button. Background color also changes automatically.

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Student List w/Pagination

Paginated Student List with Searchability

A student list that incorporates pagination to enhance usability. It creates pagination buttons dynamically and the list is searchable.

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Phrase Hunter

Guess the phrase game utilizing Object Oriented Programming, JavaScript, and CSS animations.

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Interactive Form

Interactive Form

An interactive sign-up form with field validation for name, email, activity, and payment fields.

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Gallery App

Gallery App

A single-page application built with React that pulls photos from the Flckr API and displays them. The app utilizes Axios and the user can search for pictures.

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Library Database

Library Catalog App

An application that uses the Sequelize ORM and SQLite to catalog books. Books can be added, edited, deleted, and searched. Uses Node.js, Express.js, and Pug.

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Course Database

Full Stack Course App

A full stack JavaScript application utilizing React. Allows the user to create, update, delete, and view courses. Users must sign up and are only authorized to delete or update their own courses.

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